Maths for early years

Two visual worksheets - KS1 Counting to 100
Pictorial worksheets for children to practise counting in groups up to 100.

50 ideas for collections for counting in EYFS and KS1
50 ideas on different everyday items that you can use to inspire counting and calculating with. Rather than using cubes every day!

Singapore Maths Number Bond Sheets Year 1
These worksheets were created to support children to calculate bonds using pictures. Number bonds for 5,6 and 10 (but these can be adapted for any number)

Year 1 2D Shape Bundle
Included powerpoint to introduce topic, sorting activities, cut and stick activity and a 2D shape challenge.

Early Years Thinking Skills
This is a training presentation when I was an LA Early Years Advisor. It gives lots of ideas to develop the provision but also how adults can support and extend childrens thinking skills during child initiated play.

Numbers and Patterns in EYFS
This bundle includes progression of skills to support children with counting and recognising patterns in numbers. I have also included a presentation on how to create provision for maths in the early years too.

KS1 Bundle of Place Value Activities (1 more, 10 more, less, between, counting in sequences etc)
Set of worksheets for children to use with visual support so that children can understand the value of different numbers - bargain bundle!

Teaching arrays with Chocolate Bars (arrays of 2 and 5) KS1
Two powerpoints and 3 activities linked to teaching of arrays of 2 and 5 and of course using real life objects (chocolate bars!) to demonstrate.